Kategoria: Article

  • What are the key differences between sales and business development?

    What are the key differences between sales and business development?

    What is business development? Although the meaning of business development (“business development” or “biz dev,” as it is sometimes abbreviated) can vary from company to company, it is generally defined as the creation of long-term value in an organization. Increasing the value of a company can take place in many areas, such as sales and…

  • Key roles in sales and business development

    Key roles in sales and business development

    Sales representative Sales representatives sell their company’s products and services by informing and educating potential customers in person, online or over the phone. This sometimes involves conducting customized demos, training sessions or sales presentations, and often includes support for existing customers. B2B sales specialists can work as internal (remote) sales representatives or external(in-person) sales representatives…

  • How to hire sales and business development representatives

    How to hire sales and business development representatives

    What to look for in sales representatives Since sales representatives have direct contact with potential buyers, they must have a strong desire to solve customers’ problems and an equally strong belief in the value of the solution they are selling. You can identify promising sales representatives to sell your product or service by paying attention…